Quality management policies
- Quality is always upper most in the minds of all our staff,who are fully conscious of the consequences of a faulty product.
- Having established a company-wide quality assurance system, we aim to perfect management functions in the areas of quality,pricing and delivery,by the standardization of all manufacturing processes.
- Product cost performance is geared to market needs by completely reforming design and production methods.
- The company is organized to act quickly and confidently to any changes in market values, based on the keen perception of the staff.
- Our production system is highly flexible and can adapt quickly to meet any customer requirements.
- To comply with the laws and regulations, requirements on restrictions and arrangements in the industry.
Head Office/Takamatsu Plant
- Standard name
- ISO9001, IATF16949
- Certificate of registration
- ISO9001 Certificate
- IATF16949 Certificate
*Includes expansion manufacturing site(Kannonji Factory)

Kanonji Plant
- Standard name
- ISO9001
- Certificate of registration