Conflict minerals policy
Tackling with Conflict Minerals
A part of minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold) produced in Democratic Republic of the Congo and the conflict affected areas in its adjacent countries has given rise to serious abuse of human rights and environment destruction on the occasion of the mining or funded armed groups, whereby an international issue of the Conflict Minerals has occurred.
Raw materials derived from many minerals are used in the business field of electronic components to which we belong. We as a member of the global supply chain tackle with this problem in cooperation with our stakeholders in accordance with the following policy.
Policy on Conflict Minerals
- We agree to the effect of "OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas" and tackle with the problem of Conflict Minerals in conformity with Code of Conducts of AOI Electronics.
- We confirm the history of minerals to be used in our products and try to select raw materials with less risk and to procure them at responsibility.
- We work closely with the industry groups and perform reasonable and efficient investigation in good faith in accordance with the industry standards.
- We try to share information on Conflict Minerals obtained from the supply chain.