Environmental policy

Coexisting with a beautiful earth

We try to give consideration to the environment in our business activities so the beautiful earth can be handed down to our next generations.
Under this consideration, we set up [AOI Environmental Policy] for production of electronic components.

AOI ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. of environmental policy


Preservation of the global environment, it is recognized that it is the mankind of important issues, full participation in efforts to protect the global environment, we aim to coexistence with business management, we aim to harmony with nature.

Environmental policy

AOI ELECTRONICS CO LTD., makes our business suitable for our peaceful and quiet environment and keep Kagawa Prefecture as scenic area. As for the production of electronic components, we carry out an environmental actions as follows.

  1. Through the business activities, we concentrate on saving energy and resources, reducing wastes and environment-related chemicals, what is more, recycling wastes to keep and improve our global environment.
  2. We are strict to relieve burden for environment at the stage of developing and designing the products and equipment.
  3. We are strict to avoid any environmental troubles with our local community, and make effort to prevent pollution.
  4. We comply to all rules and regulations relating to environment, and as well as accepted agreements.
  5. We settle environmental purposes and values, achieve and review them every year, as well as our environmental policy, in order to continually improve environmental management control system.
  6. We educate and train all our employees, let them recognize the importance of the protection for the environment and perform with definite environmental policy.

---- This environmental policy, the general public is available. ----


Head Office/Takamatsu Plant

Standard name
Certificate of registration

Kanonji Plant

Standard name
Certificate of registration

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